Any changes to an individual word or phrase had to be done individually. Styles could only be applied to an entire paragraph. Originally, Word only had paragraph styles. Line Spacing, Borders, Background color and a lot more details. Position: Left, Center, Right, Justified. Font: size, color, bold/italic/underline/strikethrough/subscript/superscript, highlighting and more. Any word or even a single letter has a collection of formatting settings as well.
What is a Style in Word, Excel or Outlook?Ī style is a collection of formatting choices combined under a single name. It’s a guided tour to the various Style setup, configurationĪnd management options spread around Word. This article will try to make sense of it all. Microsoft Word, since 2007, has developed a confusing mish-mash of lists, galleries and dialog boxes to view, select and manage styles. From just one type in the early days of Word, there’s five different style types in Word 2007, Word 2010 and Word 2013. In this article we’ll explain the different types of styles including at least one that sneaked in without many people noticing. I know talking about styles in Word makes eyes glaze over but they are a really useful part of Word (plus Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook). The end of the last one covers many of the best reasons for using styles.
The third is a brief introduction in how to use these tools and features The second tells and SHOWS you where to find all of these features. The first article reviews the various formatting options in Word. (There are other similarĪrticles for older versions, which are still relevant.) This collection of 4 short articles provides a quick overview into using Styles and Templates in Word 2016 (and earlier). Here are some additional tips about styles in Basics of Word Styles and Templates: What, Where, How and Why This page describes two different methods for modifying paragraph or character styles. You can modify any of Word's built-in styles. But the pre-set formatting may not suit your needs. To change the paragraph justification applied in the style. If that fixes the problem, take a look at the style to see if you have If you do not see this button highlighted, click on it or use the shortcut to apply it. Normally "Align Left" formatting is applied. If you want the lines to be closer together, you can choose a smaller value like 0.9.It sounds like you have applied the "Full Justification" paragraph formatting. For example, choosing Multiple and changing the spacing to 1.2 will make the text slightly more spread out than single-spaced text. This option lets you type the number of lines of spacing you want. However, if you have different sizes of text on the same line, the spacing will expand to fit the larger text. Like the Exactly option, this option lets you choose how many points of spacing you want.
For example, if you're using 12-point text, you could use 15-point spacing. Generally, the spacing should be slightly larger than the font size. When you choose this option, the line spacing is measured in points, just like font sizes. You'll then have a few additional options you can use to customize spacing: To adjust spacing with more precision, select Line Spacing Options from the menu to access the Paragraph dialog box. Your line spacing options aren't limited to the ones in the Line and Paragraph Spacing menu.